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Octubre 06, 2004

Guerras civiles

No todos los blogs norteamericanos están llenos de diatribas contra Zapatero, España, el terrorismo internacional y los políticos que se rinden ante los pérfidos creyentes en Alá. The State of the Art critica a un popular blog conservador (Little Green Footballs) por sacar de contexto las declaraciones de Zapatero a la revista Time. Y llega a esta conclusión sobre la entrevista:

The point that Prime Minister Zapatero was trying to get across in the article was that he did not want to be a somebody who blindly led his country based on stubborn ideals. His idea of leadership is to listen to the people and to work with an international community to accomplish goals.

The State of the Art selecciona unos cuantos comentarios especialmente ridículos como ejemplo de las interesantes aportaciones de los lectores de Little Green Footballs. Mi favorito es:

Would he still be Primer Minister if he actually went through with his coveted sex change operation??!!

(Supongo que sí, aunque tendría que cambiar el Gobierno para mantener la paridad).

Ante tamaña provocación, los lectores indignados con las críticas a Little Green Footballs se meten en faena y, efectivamente, consiguen superar en los comentarios del post de The State of the Art la calidad de las opiniones ya reseñadas. Este no es tan bueno como el de la operación de cambio de sexo, pero merece, como mínimo, un diploma olímpico:

So I am a racist because I read LGF? I am an ignorant uneducated member of the Vast right-wing conspiracy?

I have B.S. in History and a B.S. in Political Science. I know more about politics and history then you ever will. I know that Islam in its current state is the biggest threat to the civilized world since, well since Islam last tried to take over the world.

Your attacks on LGF and its readers belie the depths of your ignorance and intolerance.

We didn't start this fight, it was brought to our doorstep on 9/11/01.

But we sure as hell are going to win it, with or without your support.

Good Bless America.

No creo que Dios tenga tan mala host... Cuando se enteren de lo del matrimonio de los gays, se les va a poner a cien el colesterol. Claro que en este caso no podrán decir que Zapatero se ha vendido a Al Qaeda. O quizá sí.

Posted by Iñigo at Octubre 6, 2004 06:36 PM

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