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Octubre 13, 2005
Harold Pinter
El escritor británico Harold Pinter ha recibido hoy el Premio Nobel de Literatura. En su web pueden encontrarse algunos de sus discursos y poemas dedicados a la guerra de Irak. Pinter ha abandonado el teatro en los últimos años, pero no la poesía. Y lo que no ha dejado en ningún caso es de manifestarse en voz alta contra Blair y su sumisión ante el 'amigo americano'.
There's an old story about Oliver Cromwell. After he had taken the town of Drogheda the citizens were brought to the main square. Cromwell announced to his Lieutenants: "Right! Kill all the women and rape all the men." One of his aides said: "Excuse me General. Isn't it the other way around?" A voice from the crowd called out: "Mr. Cromwell knows what he's doing!"
That voice is the voice of Tony Blair "Mr Bush knows what he's doing!" But the fact is that Mr Bush and his gang do know what they're doing and Blair, unless he really is the deluded idiot he often appears to be, also knows what they're doing. They are determined, quite simply, to control the world and the world's resources. And they don't give a damn how many people they murder on the way. And Blair goes along with it.
Comienzo del discurso de Harold Pinter en un acto contra la guerra de Irak celebrado en la Cámara de los Comunes en octubre de 2002.
Posted by Iñigo at Octubre 13, 2005 02:30 PM
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