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Enero 01, 2006

844 soldados

Si hay que medir el progreso en Irak por el número de bajas de los soldados norteamericanos, no se puede ser muy optimista. En el 2005 que acaba de terminar, han muerto allí 844 militares norteamericanos. Un año antes, la cifra fue de 848.

Los peores meses para las fuerzas de EEUU fueron enero (107 muertos) y octubre (96). Desde la invasión de Irak, el parte de bajas incluye 2.178 muertos y 16.000 heridos.

Los militares no son los únicos cuyas vidas corren peligro. Unas horas antes de que acabara el año, el hijo, de 17 años, del agregado cultural palestino en Irak fue asesinado mientras escuchaba música en su coche.

El listado de incidentes violentos que saca todos los días la agencia Reuters demuestra que el 2006 no ha empezado de forma muy diferente:

HAY SUFON - Iraqi soldiers arrested a former local leader
of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party and three of his sons in the
village of Hay Sufon in northern Iraq on Saturday. The U.S.
military described the man as a "suspected terrorist financier".
HAQLANIYA - The U.S. military reported an unsuccessful car
bomb attack in the town of Haqlaniya, western Iraq. No one was
RAHINAWA - Security forces shot dead four protesters and
wounded two as they marched against a rise in fuel prices in
Rahinawa, near the northern oil city of Kirkuk, police said. The
demonstrators set fire to four cars, two petrol stations and an
oil company building, police said. A U.S. military spokesman
said U.S. soldiers fired at a vehicle that drove through a
checkpoint set up for the demonstration, wounding one person who
was taken to hospital.
BAGHDAD - A bomb exploded near an oil refinery in southern
Baghdad, setting fire to a pipeline connected to a power plant,
police said.
RUTBA - The bodies of four people were found bound and shot
near Rutba, near the Syrian border, police said.
BAGHDAD - The teenage son of the Palestinian cultural
attache to Iraq was shot dead on Saturday, the Palestinian
embassy said.
JURF AL-SAKHAR - The bodies of two people were found bound,
gagged and shot in Jurf al-Sakhar, about 80 km (50 miles) south
of Baghdad, police said.
ISHAKI - One Iraqi soldier was killed and three were wounded
when their patrol hit a roadside bomb in Ishaki district near
Balad, 90 km (55 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
BAIJI - One civilian was killed and one wounded by shrapnel
when a bomb exploded near a U.S. patrol near Baiji, the U.S.
military said in a statement. The Iraqi and U.S. military had
earlier said soldiers in the patrol opened fire after their
vehicles hit a roadside bomb.
BAGHDAD - A U.S. soldier died from wounds sustained in a
mortar attack on his patrol on Saturday in southern Baghdad, the
U.S. military said in a statement.
BAIJI - Sixteen civilians were wounded when a car bomb
targeting a U.S. patrol exploded near Baiji, 180 km (110 miles)
north of Baghdad, local authorities said.
BAGHDAD - Eight car bombs exploded in the capital, wounding
one police officer, police said.

Posted by Iñigo at Enero 1, 2006 08:32 PM

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Es muy triste que personas en lo mejor de su vida, con todo su futuro pordelante, sin enfermedad mueran simplemente por algo que nunca deberieron comenzar a luchar. Creo que las guerras son siempre tristes e injustas, esta es más.

Posted by: Carmen Sánchez Carazo at Enero 2, 2006 09:20 AM