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Enero 06, 2007

Asesinados a sangre fría

Asesinados a sangre fría

Esta foto proviene del sumario de la investigación militar de la matanza de 24 civiles iraquíes ocurrida en Haditha el 19 de noviembre del 2005. The Washington Post ha tenido acceso al documento con el que se han presentado cargos de asesinato contra cuatro marines. A otros cuatro oficiales --un teniente coronel, dos capitanes y un teniente-- se les acusa de no haber investigado los hechos.

U.S. Marines gunned down five unarmed Iraqis who stumbled onto the scene of a 2005 roadside bombing in Haditha, Iraq, according to eyewitness accounts that are part of a lengthy investigative report obtained by The Washington Post.

Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, the squad's leader, shot the men one by one after Marines ordered them out of a white taxi in the moments following the explosion, which killed one Marine and injured two others, witnesses told investigators. Another Marine fired rounds into their bodies as they lay on the ground.

"The taxi's five occupants exited the vehicle and according to U.S. and Iraqi witnesses, were shot by Wuterich as they stood, unarmed, next to the vehicle approximately ten feet in front of him," said a report by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service on the incident that runs thousands of pages.

El coche que se ve en la foto es el taxi al que se refiere el artículo. El humvee que encabezaba el convoy militar le hizo una seña a su conductor para que se echara a un lado de la carretera. Instantes después, explotó una bomba que mató a un marine, Miguel Terrazas. Los testimonios de varios de los militares presentes confirman que los cinco ocupantes del taxi fueron asesinados a sangre fría.

Los marines han declarado que, tras la explosión, fueron atacados desde varias casas cercanas con fuego de armas ligeras. Recibieron la orden de entrar en ellas y lo hicieron.

Marine officials have accused the troops of failing to identify their targets before using grenades and guns to kill 14 unarmed people in the houses, including several young children in their pajamas, in a span of about 10 minutes, according to the documents.

Safah Yunis Salem, 13, who said she played dead to avoid being shot, was the only person to survive the Marine attack on the second house. Her sister Aisha, 3, was shot in the leg and died; her brother Zainab, 5, was killed by a shot to the head. She said she lost five other members of her family in the room, including her mother.

"He fired and killed everybody," Safah said. "The American fired and killed everybody."

A pesar de que sabían que se habían producido muertes de civiles, los mandos militares no ordenaron una investigación. Los hechos no hubieran sido conocidos de no ser por un periodista de la revista Time que empezó a hacer preguntas.

Posted by Iñigo at Enero 6, 2007 07:40 PM

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Eso es lo bueno que tienen las democracias... que quién la hace la paga. Esos soldados y esos oficiales incumplieron la ley y por eso están siendo juzgados.

Posted by: Joe Kopiki at Enero 7, 2007 11:14 PM