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Abril 13, 2007
Bilal Hussein, un año en prisión
Bilal Hussein lleva ya un año en prisión en Irak. Lo que quiere decir que los militares norteamericanos ni han presentado cargos contra el fotógrafo iraquí, colaborador de la agencia AP, ni han hecho públicas las pruebas que supuestamente tienen contra él. El Pentágono sostiene que Hussein es una amenaza para la seguridad, pero no cree estar obligado a llevar su caso ante un tribunal.
AP está convencida de que el encarcelamiento es sólo una venganza contra el periodista por las fotos que sacó en la provincia de Anbar, reducto de los insurgentes. El abogado contratado por AP ha podido reunirse con en Irak con los militares que mantienen preso a Hussein.
During his visit, Gardephe said he met at length with U.S. military officials, discussing each of the nine informal allegations that have been cited as justifying Hussein's detention.Gardephe said U.S. officials indicated they lacked solid evidence on seven of the allegations and could not reveal the evidence they did have on the other two allegations because it was classified. One of those allegations is that Hussein offered to provide false identification to a sniper who was seeking to evade capture, while the other is that he took photographs that were synchronized with insurgent explosions, Gardephe said.
Gardephe disputed the validity of both those allegations. False identification cards have long been easily available from a variety of sources in Iraq, and Gardephe said insurgents would likely have a ready supply without having to turn to an AP photographer for one. He also noted that the military didn't even claim Hussein actually provided a false ID, just that he allegedly made an offer.
As for the photo allegation, Gardephe said he examined all of the more than 900 photographs Hussein submitted to the AP during a 20-month period before his detention. "There are no photos that are synchronized with an explosion,'' he said.
Bilal Hussein tiene derecho a recibir la visita de sus familiares durante una hora y una vez al mes.
En Guerra Eterna:
--Los testigos molestos acaban en prisión.
Posted by Iñigo at Abril 13, 2007 03:44 PM
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