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Abril 27, 2007
Riverbend deja Irak
La familia de la blogger iraquí Riverbend se ha rendido y ha decidido abandonar Irak. Huir sería la palabra más adecuada. Han soportado cuatro años y ya no pueden más. Demasiados funerales, demasiado miedo. Como muchas familias de clase media, creen que su país se ha convertido en una trampa mortal:
So we've been busy. Busy trying to decide what part of our lives to leave behind. Which memories are dispensable? We, like many Iraqis, are not the classic refugees- the ones with only the clothes on their backs and no choice. We are choosing to leave because the other option is simply a continuation of what has been one long nightmare- stay and wait and try to survive.On the one hand, I know that leaving the country and starting a new life somewhere else- as yet unknown- is such a huge thing that it should dwarf every trivial concern. The funny thing is that it’s the trivial that seems to occupy our lives. We discuss whether to take photo albums or leave them behind. Can I bring along a stuffed animal I've had since the age of four? Is there room for E.'s guitar? What clothes do we take? Summer clothes? The winter clothes too? What about my books? What about the CDs, the baby pictures?
The problem is that we don't even know if we'll ever see this stuff again. We don't know if whatever we leave, including the house, will be available when and if we come back. There are moments when the injustice of having to leave your country, simply because an imbecile got it into his head to invade it, is overwhelming. It is unfair that in order to survive and live normally, we have to leave our home and what remains of family and friends… And to what?
En Guerra Eterna:
--Riverbend. Mayo 2006.
Posted by Iñigo at Abril 27, 2007 11:57 PM
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