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Marzo 22, 2008

Cosas que hacer en sábado cuando no estás muerto

Definitivamente, Hillary Clinton es mejor actriz que Tom Cruise.

--Descargar películas es tan grave como invadir Polonia.

--Una novedosa técnica del FBI que pronto llegará a España. Pinchas un enlace y quedas detenido.

--Pañuelos palestinos made in China.
--El mal le sienta muy bien a Apple.
--El titular del mes: Crucifixion can be bad for your health.
--El hongo que conquistó Europa y mató de hambre a Irlanda.
--Un clásico del humor: desastres con el Photoshop (vía Otomano).
--La industria del armamento ha visto demasiadas películas.

Posted by Iñigo at Marzo 22, 2008 11:06 AM

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"La piratería es genocidio", ¡buenísimo! ¡cómo no se me habrá ocurrido a mí antes!

Posted by: Carlos Capote at Marzo 22, 2008 02:22 PM

Un regalito para completar el primer enlace:


In other words: The notion of the Democratic contest being a dramatic cliffhanger is a game of make-believe.

The real question is why so many people are playing. The answer has more to do with media psychology than with practical politics.

Journalists have become partners with the Clinton campaign in pretending that the contest is closer than it really is. Most coverage breathlessly portrays the race as a down-to-the-wire sprint between two well-matched candidates, one only slightly better situated than the other to win in August at the national convention in Denver.


The media are also enamored of the almost mystical ability of the Clintons to work their way out of tight jams, as they have done for 16 years at the national level. That explains why some reporters are inclined to believe the Clinton campaign when it talks about how she’s going to win on the third ballot at the Democratic National Convention in August.

That’s certainly possible — and, to be clear, we’d love to see the race last that long — but it’s folly to write about this as if it is likely.

It’s also hard to overstate the role the talented Clinton camp plays in shaping the campaign narrative, first by subtly lowering the bar for the performance necessary to remain in the race, and then by keeping the focus on Obama’s relationships with a political fixer and a controversial pastor in Illinois.

Posted by: Antonio at Marzo 22, 2008 02:26 PM