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Abril 01, 2008

El canal de la reina

La reina Rania de Jordania ya tiene su propio canal en YouTube y lo inaugura con un mensaje en favor del diálogo entre el mundo árabe y el occidental. Me parece que sería estupendo iniciar ese diálogo con la descripción que hace Human Rights Watch de la violación de los derechos humanos en Jordania.

The General Intelligence Department (GID) arrests suspects mostly in the name of counterterrorism, sometimes without charge and frequently on spurious charges. Three security detainees— ‘Adnan Abu Nujila, Samir al-Barq, and `Isam al-‘Utaibi (better known as Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi)— have been held for years without trial. The GID routinely obstructs detainees’ access to legal representation and delays family visits. Security detainees as recently as 2006 have alleged torture and ill-treatment to extract confessions in the form of beatings and psychological abuse such as mock executions, sleep deprivation, and prolonged solitary confinement. Human Rights Watch inspected the GID facility from August 19 to 30, 2007.

In 2006 provincial governors administratively detained 11,597 persons without proof of criminal action or to circumvent the obligation to present suspects to the prosecutor within 24 hours. Administrative detainees must meet a financial bail guarantee to gain release, but indigent detainees frequently resort to hunger strikes instead.

Y evidentemente hay mucho más. Pero si no se puede hablar de esto, si alguien cree que el destino de esas 11.597 personas es irrelevante en las relaciones que podamos mantener con países como Jordania, y por tanto nos limitamos a hablar de convivencia en términos difusos y entrañables, el canal sólo tendrá interés para los lectores del Hola.

Posted by Iñigo at Abril 1, 2008 11:26 PM

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