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Abril 18, 2008

La guerra es mala para la salud (mental)

El 20% de los soldados norteamericanos que vuelven de Irak o Afganistán tienen síntomas del síndrome de stress postraumático.

19 percent of returning service members report that they experienced a possible traumatic brain injury while deployed.

7 percent report both a probable brain injury and current PTSD or major depression.

The study estimates that about 320,000 service members may have experienced a traumatic brain injury during deployment, from mild concussions to severe penetrating head wounds. Yet, just 43 percent reported ever being evaluated by a physician for that injury.

Half of service members say they had a friend who was seriously wounded or killed.

45 percent report that they saw dead or seriously injured non-combatants.

Posted by Iñigo at Abril 18, 2008 02:23 PM

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¿eso quiere decir que el 80% vuelven cuerdos?

Posted by: jose at Abril 18, 2008 04:53 PM

Sobre el 43% de las tropas, que son los evaluados. El 57% restante queda automáticamente fuera de la estadística. Y los 320.000 soldados que se estima que han acabado tocados son aproximadamente el doble de las tropas que tienen los EEUU sobre el terreno, ahora mismo. No es moco de pavo.

Pero bueno, no es mal día: http://www.nyse.com/about/listed/hal.html
¡Halliburton sube!

Posted by: Godoyín at Abril 18, 2008 05:17 PM