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Abril 20, 2008
La mano oculta del Pentágono
¿Cuál es la misión de todos los militares retirados que aparecen como "analistas militares" en las televisiones norteamericanas? ¿Informar? ¿Analizar? ¿Dar un contexto a noticias confusas? Quizá. El Pentágono les encontró una misión diferente antes de la invasión de Irak. Y evidentemente después.
El NYT ha unido los hilos que partían de estos ex generales y que llegaban hasta el Pentágono: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand.
Over time, the Pentagon recruited more than 75 retired officers, although some participated only briefly or sporadically. The largest contingent was affiliated with Fox News, followed by NBC and CNN, the other networks with 24-hour cable outlets. But analysts from CBS and ABC were included, too. Some recruits, though not on any network payroll, were influential in other ways — either because they were sought out by radio hosts, or because they often published op-ed articles or were quoted in magazines, Web sites and newspapers. At least nine of them have written op-ed articles for The Times.The group was heavily represented by men involved in the business of helping companies win military contracts. Several held senior positions with contractors that gave them direct responsibility for winning new Pentagon business. James Marks, a retired Army general and analyst for CNN from 2004 to 2007, pursued military and intelligence contracts as a senior executive with McNeil Technologies. Still others held board positions with military firms that gave them responsibility for government business. General McInerney, the Fox analyst, for example, sits on the boards of several military contractors, including Nortel Government Solutions, a supplier of communication networks.
Había una condición para recibir este trato especial, que incluía viajes a Irak o Guantánamo y reuniones con Rumsfeld: no informar en detalle de sus contactos con el Pentágono.
At the Pentagon, members of Ms. Clarke’s staff marveled at the way the analysts seamlessly incorporated material from talking points and briefings as if it was their own.
La mejor propaganda es la que no aparece como propaganda.
Posted by Iñigo at Abril 20, 2008 08:45 PM
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