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Mayo 16, 2009

Ya lo creo que pueden

obama yes we can.jpg

ACLU recuerda lo que dijo el candidato Obama durante la campaña electoral:

The legal framework behind Guantanamo has failed completely, resulting in only one conviction…As president, Barack Obama will close the detention facility at Guantanamo. He will reject the Military Commissions Act, which allowed the U.S. to circumvent Geneva Conventions in the handling of detainees. He will develop a fair and thorough process based on the Uniform Code of Military Justice to distinguish between those prisoners who should be prosecuted for their crimes, those who can’t be prosecuted but who can be held in a manner consistent with the laws of war, and those who should be released or transferred to their home countries.

El subrayado tiene que ver con la última noticia sobre el nuevo 180 grados de Obama.

Glenn Greenwald recuerda otros elementos para valorar dónde estaba Obama antes y dónde está ahora. Andrew Sullivan es más misericordioso.

La ilustración es de JR Mora.

Posted by Iñigo at Mayo 16, 2009 01:19 AM

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Buenísima la ilustración de JR Mora.

Posted by: Samuel at Mayo 16, 2009 11:56 AM