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Febrero 24, 2010

Los corsarios se retiran... de momento


El CNI puede llamar de vuelta a sus espías. Pepe Blanco ya no tiene que buscar conspiradores entre los corsarios anglosajones. El brazo armado de la ofensiva contra las cuentas de España, el blog Alphaville del Financial Times, enfunda sus cañones e iza el pabellón blanco. El diferencial entre los bonos españoles y alemanes se ha reducido a niveles similares a los de antes de la crisis griega.

The Spain/Germany spread in 10-year yields has tightened by some 30 basis points over the past fortnight – moving back to levels last seen before Christmas, when the Greek debt drama was just warming up. The Greek/German spread is below its peak, but has widened alarmingly over recent days.

Lo que no quita para que incluyan un 'pero' en forma de un informe de analistas que destaca los problemas, reales por otro lado, de la economía española.

Los griegos no tienen esa suerte. Continúan de los nervios, como queda claro después de leer unas declaraciones del viceprimer ministro, Theodoros Pangalos. ¿Los alemanes no quieren ayudarnos?

Pangalos criticised Germany's attitude towards the Greek crisis, saying Athens had never received compensation for the economic impact of the Nazi occupation during World War Two. "They took away the Greek gold that was at the Bank of Greece, they took away the Greek money and they never gave it back. This is an issue that has to be faced sometime in the future," he said.

"I don't say they have to give back the money necessarily but they have at least to say 'thanks'," he said. "And they shouldn't complain so much about stealing and not being very specific about economic dealings."

¿Conocen la Ley de Godwin los mercados financieros?

Posted by Iñigo at Febrero 24, 2010 08:27 PM

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